
I heart diet Coke

I'm over this whole "Diet Coke is so horrible" thing. "Don't drink anything with aspartame in it! It's a poison!" Right. So is caffeine. So is water for God's sake! You can actually die by drinking too much water. So get off it already! People have been drinking diet soda for a long time with no detriment to their health.

Sure if you drink it in huge quantities, it will probably mess you up. But so will too much pasta or too much fruit. I know someone who ate too many carrots and drank too much carrot juice and literally turned orange.

That being said, I do want to warn everyone of the dangers of drinking Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper. This stuff is a poison to your taste buds. It's like drinking a liquid tootsie pop. Nasty! For the love of real diet soda, stay away from this filth.

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

it's true, I love diet coke. I think I like diet pepsi better though. Acutally Tab is pretty good, well, at least it gives me a good shape so I can be a mindsticker.

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