

A little experiment me and my friend Ryan are working on...

  1. Hypochondriacs make me sick.
  2. Melodramatic people are ruining my life!
  3. People who never finish their sentences really make me
  4. People who use figures of speech are the cat’s meow.
  5. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I think about emotionally unstable people.
  6. I’m not sure how I feel about indecisive people.
  7. Sentimental people are so sweet!
  8. Prepositions are terrible words to end sentences with.
  9. Self-Centered people always interrupt me when I'm trying to talk
  10. People who use metaphors ought to shampoo my crotch
  11. People who state the obvious always point out things that most people think are obvious.
  12. I just can’t handle intolerant people.
  13. People who are vain make me look bad.
  14. Racist people make me angrier than Asian drivers.
  15. People who work on an assembly line have another thing coming.
  16. People who ramble on are so frustrating because it seems like they never know exactly when to stop making the point they are trying to make even well after it seems like they made their point they just go on and on and don’t stop no matter how much you want them to stop or no matter how well they made the point they are trying to make.
  17. People who think they are humble are not as humble as me.
  18. People who repeat themselves repeat themselves.
  19. People with bad grammars, is so! hard to around with.
  20. I really, really, really hate whiny people so much!
  21. I remembered how much I hate people who name-drop when I was hanging out with John Mayer's manager last week.
  22. I know more than a few ambiguous people.
  23. I’m really put off by people who procrastinate.
  24. Abbrevs are sweeping the naysh.
  25. I just don’t get it when people feel misunderstood.
  26. People with low self-esteem are just not worth my time.

1 comment:

yup said...

people who complain make really long lists complaining about other people are just like those about whom they complain
