
I formally announce that I know it all

I wrote this for xanga a while back, and I just reread it today. I like it...

I think people misunderstand the purpose of doctrinal and theological studies. I don't think the point is to properly define God. I think the point of studying is to learn just how much of God there is yet to know.

The people I have met who suffer from the "I know all there is to know about God" syndrome are not the people who have devoted their lives to study. They are usually the people who have never properly studied doctrine or theology at all.

When you encounter someone who has deeply studied issues of doctrine and theology, you usually encounter someone who is humbled by what they have learned and wouldn't dare say anything about God in any definite terms.

It's like the person who sees the vastness of the universe for the first time. They don't walk away from that experience thinking they have seen all there is to see. They have a feeling of smallness that makes them realize how much there is to know, and how far they are from even knowing a fraction of it.

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