
planes are annoying

Since I've moved to SoCal, I've been on a lot of planes. Nikki and I go back to the east coast several times each year, and most of those trips are not direct. So needless to say, we've been on a lot of planes.

I thought it would be fun to make a little list of some of the things that irritate me when I'm on a plane. Feel free to comment and add to the list.

1. Seating stress (window, isle, front, back, who's going to sit next to me, etc)
2. People behind you who use your seat back to get up
3. Tiny bathrooms (I actually can't stand straight in the forward bathroom)
4. Lack of information (why aren't we moving? How much longer?)
5. Restriction on "electronic devices" (exactly why can't I leave my iPod on when we takeoff?)
6. People who take forever to get themselves situated before sitting down
7. People who talk to the person next to them like they're at the other end of the plane
8. Kicking kids
9. De-icing (could this process take any longer?)
10. Reading lights that are as bright as the sun

There's a start. Add some to the list...

1 comment:

Patrick G. McCullough said...

Hey, I found your blog through Ben Wideman's blog and stopped by because I thought the name of your blog was hilarious. But I notice it is γραψω rather than γραφω. So, were you going for Future Active Indicative or Aorist Active Subjunctive? Is your blog "I will write crap" or "I might write crap"? Translating the latter is difficult without context. Or do you prefer the ambiguity? :)