
book list

Well my friends, it's done. Last night, I emailed the last two papers of my seminary degree. It feels great!

Now that I have some time to actually read what I want to read, I thought it would be good to compile a little reading list for the next few months. I'm going to post it here and regularly update it when I come across a new book I want to read. So here we go:

1. Velvet Elvis, Rob Bell - Currently Reading
2. Theology of Hope, Jurgen Moltmann
3. Letters from a Skeptic, Greg Boyd - Currently Reading
4. Recovering the Scandal of the Cross, Joel Green and Mark Baker (re-read)
5. The Shack, William Young
6. Understanding Paul, Stephen Westerholm
7. Passion for God, Jurgen Moltmann and Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel
8. Theology and the Kingdom of God, Wolfhart Pannenberg
9. He, Robert A. Johnson - Currently Reading
10. The Year of Living Biblically, A. J. Jacobs
11. Inspiration and Incarnation, Peter Enns
12. Surprised by Hope, NT Wright
13. The Myth of a Christian Nation, Greg Boyd
14. The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible, Scot McKight

Any you would like to add?


ben wideman said...

congrats Jon.

Have you ever read Shane Claiborne's Irresistible Revolution?

I've also heard good things about Omnivore's Dilemma.

Both are on my must read list.

Julie said...

congratulations! i have the shack if you want to borrow it -- i really enjoyed it. am reading velvet elvis (not mine) and have borrowed a generous orthodoxy by brian mcleren (sp?) to read next... yay for pleasure reading!

Griselda Johnson said...

Congrats! That's a great list to start with. I've only read two from it, Velvet Elvis years ago and the Shack recently. Love 'em both!