
liberal quakerism?

Just for fun, I took the "Christian Denomination Selector" test from this website. My top 5 are as follows:

#1. Seventh Day Adventist (I guess because I didn't have a preference for day of worship)
#2. Episcopal/Anglican Church (maybe because I'm OK with women pastors)
#3. Methodist/Wesleyan Church (who knows)
#4. Liberal Quakerism (that just sounds awesome!)
#5. Mennonite Brethren (good insurance plans from what I hear)

I will say that #6 was the AG, so I guess my roots did come through a little bit.

What were your top 5?


ben wideman said...

That's some fun stuff. I'm surprised that Mennonite Brethren is listed, but just plain old Mennonites are not. Weird.

Here's my top 5.

1. 7th Day Adventist (wanna start a church?)
2. Mennonite Brethren
3. Assemblies of God
4. Episcopal/Anglican
5. Methodist/Wesleyan

Justin said...

Me too, me too.

1. 7th Day Adventist.
2. Methodist/Wesleyan.
3. Assemblies of God.
4. Mennonite Brethren.
5. Orthodox Quakerism.


Jeannette said...

#1 is: Methodist/Wesleyan Church
#2 is: Free Will Baptist
#3 is: Mennonite Brethren
#4 is: Episcopal/Anglican Church
#5 is: Evangelical Lutheran Church

#1 makes complete sense because i grew up Nazarene.

AG is #10

Jon said...

So I guess we could have a pretty rockin' 7th day Adventist or Methodist church if we wanted to...

Griselda Johnson said...

1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (87%)
3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (86%)
4. Eastern Orthodox (69%)
5. Roman Catholic (69%)
I'm wondering if i did it at the same site, i did this a while ago.